Why Miller Lite?? - A Rant

What's your go-to beer when you go out?  What is at every bar/restaurant/ball game and you can order when in doubt?  It's cheap, it's everywhere, and it doesn't really "taste great" - it's MILLER LITE.  I guess you could lump in Bud Light and Coors Light as well.  All these beers pretty much taste the same to me - thin, watery, fizzy, leave a weird aftertaste in the mouth.  Overly sweet with really no hop taste (despite the fact that Miller Lite is advertised as "triple hops brewed"), why do we bother with these produced-for-mass-consumption beers?  I'd equate it to ordering a veggie burger in a steakhouse.  I think it also contributes to the lack of beer education/appreciation by dumbing down our tastebuds and not expanding our horizons on taste.

Spring water = Miller Lite?

Is it really because it's cheap and easy to drink alot of or is it because we like the taste?  I guess I'm asking myself these questions because I always wonder myself!  I find that I don't want to think and just order what is familiar, only to regret it afterwards (and not because I drank too much!).  If I'm going to drink anything at all, it should be something that tastes good, complex to challenge my palate and complement whatever I'm eating.  That alone should be worth the extra dollar for a beer that doesn't have the word "Light (Lite)" in it.

That's it, I'm done with Miller Lite (Bud Light, Coors Light) for now.  I'm taking a stand - I will not settle for shallow brews anymore.  I'm not saying I'm a beer snob; life is just too short and I just don't think it's worth it not to taste the rainbow of flavors beer has to offer!


    Why abercrombie? I sa looking forward to tasting the rainbow too a baby!

    On October 6, 2009 at 4:53 PM Anonymous said...

    Excellent rant!!! There are literally hundreds of tasty beers on the market. Take a chance, try some. Of the readily available variety, I would recommend about anything from Sierra Nevada and, if you can find it, anything from Bell's in Kalamazoo, MI.

    On November 6, 2009 at 9:38 PM Anonymous said...

    Mass produced flavored-water beers are popular because people just want something that they can drink all night with. Miller/Coors/Bud Light are really, really weak and watery, so drinkers can put down round after round with no problem.


    But Allen--I DO order a veggie burger at a steakhouse! But that's another story. I like Miller Lite's weak and watery taste because it's the opposite of really bitter beers. It is infinitely drinkable. I admit that I'm not adventurous, but I did order a Blue Moon this evening! It's a step :) Great beer blog!!


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